Welcome to the BigSky CogSci WeChat group!


When you visit the Big Sky WeChat group we'd like you to imagine yourself sitting by a stream. From time to time, something like once each day, we'll place things on the surface of the stream and send them in your direction. Ideas, concepts, things to think about and maybe a little discussion. If you like, you can just hang out and watch them go by. If something catches your attention go ahead a check it out. We will do more with these ideas over time - but the stream will always be there and you are always invited to relax by the side and casually watch things go by. That's all you need to know for now...

More detail if you have time:

My name is Tim Smith and I am the moderator of the “BigSky CogSci” WeChat group.

One of the major goals of this group is to have some fun building a “Psychology of Learning, Self-Development and Happiness”. As we go we will create unique vantage points from which to think about and construct things with ideas found around the vicinity of the Cognitive Sciences.

My most important job as the host of this WeChat group is to provide something interesting every day to move us along toward that goal. My second most important job is to put those “interesting things” on this website and to set a little world in motion where they take up a life of their own. That's all I am gonna tell you now - how we do all of this is part of the experiment (hint - knowledge engineering and game theory are involved).

Right now your job is to consider these “interesting things” when you feel like it and get a little bit familiar with them. You might try to figure what we’re going to do with each one.

For most of us there will be opportunities to work together in person, in subsets and groups - but that will never be required. You will be able to keep track of everything, anytime on the website.

If this is your first time please take a look at Disclaimers.

*** I will tell you one more thing (some of you have already heard about it). There is something mysterious going on in a region called "Big Sky Mountains." That's the area where the real Big Sky Café is located. Right now I know just enough to say that it's going to matter to this group - more later - gotta go.